Thursday, March 21, 2013

As I arrived, dressed in light colors (preferably white) I scanned the parking lot for signs of activity. So far there were only a few people present, and I assumed these were regular members. Good. I was feeling a little foolish dressed head to toe in white garb (Mr. Clean!) and quickly headed inside. I wrote my name on the sign in sheet, and collected my name badge and headed into the main room of the center. I was glad that I had arrived early because there were only a few of the stadium style meditation chairs I preferred.
I was excited to get started for multiple reasons. First, I wanted to see the youtube video venerable in the flesh, Venerable Nicholas, second I wanted to see if long and frequent meditation sessions over the next two days were going to lead to some kind of breakthrough. Soon I would find out.
As the crowd got larger, I settled in and scanned the room for signs of friends and the venerable. The leader walked up and put the agenda on the large flat screen TV at the front of the room. She started with introductions and an overview and then handed off to another member to provide the introduction to meditation. This was then handed off to another member who provided details on the proper sitting position. I was so focused on what was going on that I jumped when I realized the venerable was behind me, slowly walking towards the front of the room. He seemed smaller in person than on the video. Maybe everyone thinks TV stars are smaller in person. Maybe it has to do with the typical news anchor focus on the face and upper torso. Regardless the moment had arrived and the room fell into a hush.

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